Frequently asked questions
We consult with anyone from toddlers to 100-year-olds+.
We predominantly consult with Aged Care clients and NDIS participants.
We don’t consult with TAC or WorkSafe.
Our Consultants are qualified experienced Continence Nurses. We all have significant expertise across all age groups and have worked in both the Public and Private Health systems for many years.
This involves a face-to-face assessment investigating bladder, bowel, skin issues (related to bladder and bowel), products currently being used, suggestions and trials for other products, and strategies to improve continence and skin integrity issues.
Around an hour face-to-face.
Typically, there is only one face-to-face consultation. However, this is dependent on the complexity of the client and what we are doing with the client. E.g., treatment of bed wetting, toilet training, constipation and faecal incontinence often involves a lot of short face-to-face consults, after the initial consultation.
We often have follow-up consults via the phone, to check on the progress of bladder or bowel management programs that have been implemented and trial products. We request a minimum of 4 hours of funding.
We attend the paperwork. A comprehensive continence report is written for the referrer and client. When finished it is given to whoever the client has consented it to be shared with. Typically, it is sent to the referrer and client, perhaps team leaders, house supervisors or NDIS delegates.
Evidence based strategies are given verbally, and often printed, looking at improving a client’s continence.
Trial products are organised if needed.
Continence updates are often written for GP’s; especially where a problem is noted with the client’s continence. E.g., possible urinary tract infection, constipation with overflow, urinary retention etc.
We generally consult in the client’s home. We recognise the difficulty that many clients and their carers/families have when trying to organise a consultation and transport to appointments.
In-home consultations are generally less stressful for the client.
Continence products, bathroom and toilet set-ups can be seen rather than described.
Consultations can occur in our office, if this is the preference of the client and their carer/families.
Yes, we are a registered NDIS Service Provider and fully accredited with the NDIS Quality and Safety Commission. We adhere to the NDIS Code of Conduct.
We comply with the Aged Care Quality Standards & Code of Conduct. The standards and codes reflect the level of care and services that the community expects from aged care providers.
No. We recognise that this is another hurdle for a continence assessment. We gain information from the referrer (on our referral form) and then further information at the assessment.
Charges for supports are set in the NDIS price guide. The line item is “Improved daily living skills” 15_418_0114_1_3 Delivery of Health Supports by a Nurse Consultant- weekday daytime. (CB Daily Activities). The Government adjusts these hourly rates annually and at 1 July 2024 they are $163.91 per hour, with an average of 4 hours required for the consultation and report writing. ($655.64)
The Government adjusts these hourly rates annually and at 1 Jan 2023 they are $146.72 per hour for a Continence Nurse Consultant- weekday daytime. Typically, we require 4 hours for this assessment ($586.88). It is dependent on what we are required to do. If a client is eligible, we will attend:
- A Continence Aids Payment scheme (CAPS) application. CAPS is an Australian Government funding program. It provides a payment to eligible people, to help with the costs of buying continence products.
- A Statewide Equipment Program (SWEP) application. SWEP provides a subsidy towards the cost of washable, absorbent continence products, urinary catheters, and their associated equipment etc. This funding assists consumers to improve independence in their home, assist in community participation and support families and carers in their role.
- We suggest strategies that could be commenced to improve the client’s continence status.
No, we generally contact the client/significant other within 48 hours of receiving a referral and consult within 1 to 2 weeks. Reports are generally finished within days of consulting.
No, we don’t. We supply products for trialing only.
Confidentiality and privacy are key when consulting with client information.
We comply with State and Federal Government legislation.
Contact the team on M: 0447 312 048 or E:
Conversation between the provider and the client is very important. Communication and feedback are key. “Don’t let things upset you, tell us when you feel something isn’t right.” We take complaints very seriously.
My Aged Care. We are aware of the changes to the Aged Care Quality Compliance (1.12.2022).
Serious Incident Response Scheme (SIRS) will be acted upon quickly if they occur. We are aware of the introduction of mandatory reporting within specified timeframes. Priority 1 incidents are required to be reported within 24 hours of the provider becoming aware of the incident, and Priority 2 incidents within 30 calendar days.
Clients can make a complaint directly to My Aged Care:
We will notify the NDIS Commission of all reportable incidents that occur (or are alleged to have occurred) in connection with the provision of NDIS supports or services that we deliver, even where we have recorded and responded within our own incident management system. It is a condition of our registration that we comply with the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Rules about notifying the NDIS of reportable incidents.
The NDIS has a complaint section:
We have a robust feedback process with staff. We encourage open communication with our clients as well as internally within our organisation.
It is consistent with the NDIS guidelines. Where a provider has a Short Notice Cancellation (or no show) they can claim 100% of the agreed fee associated with the activity from the participants plan, subject to the NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits and the terms of the service agreement with the participant.
On occasions we do. This is discussed prior to the consultation. Typically, travel less than 30 minutes each way is not charged.